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3 min read

8 Proven Tips to Drive Mobile App Adoption & Member Retention

By Debbie Willis on 28 May 2024

Your association's mobile app can serve as a pivotal point for engaging with your members more effectively. However, increasing app adoption and ensuring consistent usage can be challenging. Here are eight proven tips to not only drive your mobile app adoption but also boost member retention:

9 min read

Top Features Your Association's Mobile App Should Have

By Debbie Willis on 9 April 2024

Engagement and connectivity are paramount for associations looking to foster a vibrant and growingmembership. And a well-crafted mobile app can be the cornerstone of your association's strategythroughenhancing member interaction and streamliningyour communications. But what features are essential for making your mobile app a powerful tool for both your association and its members? In this article, we’ll explore the top features your association's mobile app should have, how they can drive engagement for your membership, and provide a handy checklist to help you assess and choose the right features for your app. 

4 min read

The Art of Keeping Members Hooked: 6 Strategies to Drive Mobile App Engagement

By Debbie Willis on 12 March 2024

The Importance of Mobile App Engagement

Mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives. In fact, people spent 3.8 trillion hours on mobile apps in 2022, according to it's for entertainment, productivity, or staying connected, we rely on mobile apps to enhance our daily experiences. However, with millions of apps available in app stores, it's becoming increasingly challenging for app developers to capture and retain users' attention. This is where mobile app engagement plays a crucial role. Mobile app engagement refers to the level of interaction and involvement users have with an app. It goes beyond just downloads and installations; it focuses on how users interact with the app, how often they use it, and how long they stay engaged. 

13 min read

6 Ways to Build a Mobile App for Your Association

By Alexa Kade on 10 August 2022

Association mobile apps are springing up in the thousands. 

3 min read

Extending the AMS Value with an App

By Katie Argueta on 29 November 2021

We are feeling the Rhythm over here at Clowder. 

2 min read

Blog: What is an Engagement App?

By Jackson Dean on 30 June 2021

If you’re trying to wrap your head around what an engagement app is and how it works, we’re here to help put those minds at ease. We understand there’s A LOT to process. So, what exactly does engagement mean? How would it benefit your community? At Clowder, we go way beyond creating a mobile solution - we're all about connecting people, so we want to take the time to ensure all of your remaining questions about our engagement platform are answered. 

2 min read

Blog: How Associations Can Leverage Push Notifications to Cut Through the Noise of Constant Emails

By Jackson Dean on 16 February 2021

As email traffic continues to grow, one might think open rates would follow suit. The average American receives 80-100 emails per day - but who has time to open that many emails every day? This overload causes important messages to get lost, accidentally deleted, or just plain forgotten. Open rates have been on a decline over the last few years and utilizing this channel as a stand-alone communication strategy has now become outdated. Organizations should be continually evolving as ongoing technology advancements are enhancing the ways in which people are receiving information. Your members are looking for that experience. In order to increase the likelihood of your members not only staying up-to-date with your industry content, but also remaining engaged with your organization, a more efficient form of communication is what’s needed. In today’s mobile-first world and on-demand economy, it’s the usage of push notifications that help to cut through the noise of constant emailing. 

2 min read

What Associations Should Take Away from 2020

By Katie Argueta on 21 January 2021

2020 was… rough to say the least. Professionals throughout all industries were thrown numerous unforeseen challenges. Association members leaned heavily on their trusted organizations for guidance and resources to help them navigate the uncertainties. There were associations that succeeded in providing the necessary value during their members’ time of need, and there were those that did not meet the moment… and people took note. When cancellations and the need to distance began to affect connectivity, it was technology that became the glue for keeping communities intact. Because of this, what 2020 should have taught associations is the importance of meeting modern technology demands.

2 min read

What Does it Mean to Make Your Membership Mobile?

By Katie Argueta on 28 October 2020

Your organization may be kicking itself for not going mobile sooner - like pre-pandemic times sooner. Or maybe after debating whether or not it's needed, the idea of mobile has just been sitting on the back burner for awhile. Regardless of what stage you’re in, it’s important to understand what it really means to take your membership and make it mobile.

2 min read

From Our COO: Apple and Facebook CRUSH their Quarterly Earnings During the Pandemic

By Brad LaTour on 18 August 2020

Welcome to a new monthly series where you'll hear from Clowder COO Brad LaTour. He'll speak to news within the membership and technology space, industry trends, and company insight. Enjoy!
