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Webinar with Association Analytics: Timely Communications

By Katie Argueta on 26 May 2020

We were excited to join Association Analytics for a recent webinar that focused on effective member communication. Our COO Brad LaTour spoke as a guest alongside ASAE's Reggie Henry. 

Topics: Clowder News
6 min read

What Client Success Means to Clowder

By Katie Argueta on 6 May 2020

Here at Clowder, we pride ourselves on our service. Our approach has always been that we're not just selling apps, but continuous, hands-on partnerships. Our Client Success team strives to serve as guides for building longevity and strong engagement in each of our apps. To showcase just how valuable our Client Success team is, we sat down with COO Alexa Kade for a Q&A. Here's what she had to say:

Topics: Clowder News
2 min read

Benefits of a Dedicated Mobile News Feed

By Bridget Gorman on 1 May 2020

Social media feeds are often rife with misinformation or interpretations of information that are designed to influence audiences in a particular way. Two-thirds of Americans get their news from social media (Pew Research) but sifting through opinions and rumors to consume accurate and unbiased news is a massive undertaking in today’s world. Furthermore, the clutter and randomness of social media apps can be a time-suck and a major distraction. What if you instead had one focused mobile hub for sharing with your members? That's where a membership app comes in. You can think of a membership app’s news feed as a Facebook-esque platform specifically for your unique professional community. 

1 min read

Your Members Don't Want More COVID-19 Emails

By Katie Argueta on 23 April 2020

We know old habits can be hard to break. But at a time where new information is constantly coming in and needing to be dispersed immediately, people are getting over inundated with email (our emails are probably the 2,353,296,413th you've gotten about COVID-19, which just further drives our point 😉). We understand as member-based organizations, that's been the go-to method for communicating with members for decades. However, we can't stress this enough - you should be relying heavily on a membership app throughout this crisis instead. Here's why:

4 min read

How Mobile Helped ASI Shift Their Annual Conference into a Successful Virtual Event on (really) Short Notice

By Bridget Gorman on 10 April 2020

For more than 20 years, Advance Solutions International (ASI) has hosted their annual iNNOVATIONS conference for partners, clients and staff. The conference is a chance to strengthen their community, participate in training on new and evolving technologies and solutions, and recognize and celebrate the innovation and collaboration in the community through their global partner awards and coveted Great Things Awards for clients. It’s a fun conference with high energy and a full agenda.

2 min read

Client Spotlight: Pennsylvania Dental Association

By Katie Argueta on 6 April 2020

Our clients have really stepped up for their communities during the current COVID-19 crisis. This pandemic has caused numerous disruptions to member initiatives, events and other in-person interactions. Despite that however, they've been able to maintain a level of connectivity from afar through each of their respective membership apps. The use of mobile technology has played a key role in making this distance feel much more manageable.

ICYMI: Our Special Report on COVID-19 Strategies Webinar

By Brad LaTour on 1 April 2020

We've sparked a lot of great feedback and discussions from this webinar. With everything going on, we wanted to spread the important messages and lessons from this presentation as much as possible. View and share now! 

2 min read

Social Distancing, Not Social Isolation

By Katie Argueta on 31 March 2020

“It’s important to note that social distancing does not mean social isolation.” Dr. Chaudhary (The New York Times)

3 min read

How Clowder Apps are Keeping Communities Intact & Informed

By Katie Argueta on 16 March 2020

It’s no secret many organizations are currently in a state of scramble as they restrategize the cancelled events, meetings and educational opportunities they rely on each year to bring their members together. The Coronavirus has affected countless gatherings and continues to do so. What’s ultimately been brought to light throughout this tumultuous time however, is the power that technology solutions hold in being able to bring us together when congregating in person isn’t possible. A great opportunity to showcase adaptability has presented itself to organizations. How they’ll be able to handle these cancellations and disruptions in general will be very telling to members as they evaluate how prepared and capable the organization really is. To quote our COO Brad LaTour, "When this is all over, they'll remember what you did to help them during this crisis."

Topics: Clowder News
1 min read

How Clowder Apps are Keeping Users Updated on the Coronavirus

By Katie Argueta on 6 March 2020

By now, you’ve probably heard an array of information regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. From the reports, data, stories, myths and theories - there’s a lot circulating out there. While it can be overwhelming, it’s important to stay in-the-know of aspects of the virus that could have a direct impact on you, your job, future plans or everyday life. For that reason, we felt compelled to shout out and applaud a few of our clients who are helping to provide that knowledge to their members.

Topics: Clowder News
