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'Tis the Season ... Show Your Gratitude With a Year-Round Mobile Membership App

Written by Bridget Gorman | 19 December 2018

Whether it’s because of the insidious marketing of consumer products this time of year or a genuine feeling you get around the holidays, ‘tis the season to show others you appreciate and value them. While logoed merchandise is fun and advances your brand awareness and fruitcakes are either delicious or ironic depending on how you look at it, there are some other ways to spread good cheer and express your appreciation for your members, leadership team, and industry partners.

By being intentional in your use of the tools at your association’s disposal, you can demonstrate your appreciation and give the following gifts to the members of your professional community:

The gift of time.

Using your app to disseminate information in a quick, easily digestible format shows you value your members’ time. Your staff’s time is important too, and by streamlining processes and using tools on the app to perform administrative and reporting tasks, your organization demonstrates its value of this precious resource.

The gift of community.

Using your app to create avenues for relationships to grow and fellowship to thrive is a gift to your members and a benefit to your industry. Through forums and messaging functions, you provide a private social platform where members can make connections and be part of community.

The gift of being seen and heard.

The desire to be seen and heard is a fundamental driver in human behavior. You can use analytics, polls and surveys to see what topics are of interest to your members, and then provide relevant content based upon results. Using the tools in your app can really help your team focus on the needs of your members and, in turn, help you focus on developing the right resources.

The gift of mobility.

Everything today happens on-the-go. Your association’s app enables members to be engaged and productive wherever they are from their mobile device. You can also impact your members’ forward momentum and upward mobility by providing the networking and education to empower them with industry knowledge, the latest resources, and a competitive advantage.

The gift of simple convenience.

Convenience and simplicity are immensely potent factors in driving engagement and action. The ability to navigate vast functionality and quickly access resources with ease will ensure your members get the most out of your app. This is also a gift to your leadership team as a convenient, effective channel to achieve marketing, membership, education and administrative goals.

The gift of being available and responsive.

The vital assets for partners in a strong relationship are that they be both available and responsive. Your organization’s app resources are accessible when members need them, and that sense that you’re there when needed is invaluable. Responding to member inquiries, acknowledging their activity and prompting engagement through personalized content and push notifications further strengthens the relationship.

The gift of opportunity.

Whether it’s an industry partner who wants to sponsor an event, an industry consultant who wants to share his philosophy, or a member who seeks a career change, your association’s app can give the gift of opportunity. Given the tools, thoughtfully crafted partnerships, creatively marketed events, considerately curated content, and a community of professionals at all stages of their careers, opportunity is created for all involved to connect and grow.

There are so many other benefits your organization can reap and gifts you can bestow through thoughtful use of the technology you use. Your app, with its seamless integration, admin dashboard and analytics tools, membership engagement features, collaboration and community-building tools, and a host of other features, can truly help illuminate the best of your organization and inspire your community in the new year.

Happy Holidays!