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The Power of Push Notifications in a Year-Round Mobile Membership App

Written by Katie Argueta | 30 November 2017

If an association still isn’t convinced an app is for them, they probably haven’t realized how powerful push notifications truly are. Having access to this tool can result in a total member engagement overhaul.

While many associations continue to rely primarily on emails to send out news and information, others have moved on to a faster, more efficient way to contact their network. These are instant messages only sent from mobile apps that appear directly on a phone’s home screen and when tapped, will take a user right to its intended destination, cutting out any need for search. This is the fastest way to get eyes on specific content.

Push notifications boost app engagement by 88% (Localytics). In today’s mobile-first world, people on average check their phones about 150 times a day. What’s the first thing we see when checking? Notifications. What do these notifications influence us to do? Visit the app in which they came from.

We aren’t rushing to check our email 150 times a day. A vast majority of Millennials admit to hardly ever checking their email. Emailed messages can sit for days (even weeks) without being opened. There is however a way for these two channels to meet in the middle. Push notifications can actually work right in tandem with any email strategy. Open rates are significantly increased quickly when an email is accompanied with an eye-catching notification informing recipients of what has just been sent to their inbox. They serve to enhance both the user experience and organizational efforts.

Another area push notifications can make a huge impact is event coordination. Members often need constant reminders to register and make arrangements. Notifications help keep events top-of-mind, resulting in greater attendance. They are useful when making important announcements and updates pertaining to these events as well that those attending may not catch otherwise if only posted through a website or email.

Through a native app, associations can set up both custom and triggered notifications. Custom meaning a one-time message and triggered meaning automatically following a particular action such as receiving an unread chat response or new content being posted. Members are constantly being drawn back to a centralized, mobile hub and continually engaging with both fellow members and the association. Push notifications are just one of the never-ending advantages apps continue to offer groups that aim to grow and bring real value to their network.